Do you first develop your offer?

Or do you first develop your audience?

Of course, the answer isn’t simple. And has a lot many nuances to consider.

In this episode, Shyam and I explore the pros and cons of both these strategies. Here are a few talking points – 

  1. What is the difference between audience building vs. offer creation approach?
  2. The benefits and drawbacks of both the approaches
  3. How people buying from you can start trusting you
  4. When to consider the offer path and when to consider the audience building path

Do you first develop your offer?

Or do you first develop your audience?

Of course, the answer isn’t simple. And has a lot many nuances to consider.

In this episode, Shyam and I explore the pros and cons of both these strategies. Here are a few talking points – 

  1. What is the difference between audience building vs. offer creation approach?
  2. The benefits and drawbacks of both the approaches
  3. How people buying from you can start trusting you
  4. When to consider the offer path and when to consider the audience building path