Almost all the Creators that I know, would benefit from using Email marketing as their core tool for their Marketing. When they decide to see through the facade of Social media marketing and other Marketing distractions, they realize the power of email marketing.

Email is perhaps the best tool for you to build the trust of the audience that you seek to serve.

That being said, getting started with email marketing can be confusing. There are just too many variables.


What is the audience that I want to send the emails to?

What should I talk about in my emails

How frequently should I send emails?


And so on.

So how then do we start with building an email list exactly?

As I started to work on the answer to this question and make a podcast episode out of it, I realized that this question is so broad that I could think of 4 to 5 ways of answering it. And hence, I decided to make this a multi-episode series.

Let’s look at the question again, “How do you start building your email list?”

What are the fundamentals that need to be answered before getting into this question? Many come to mind.


Why are we building an email list? 

What is the purpose? 

What are the ideal characteristics of an email list?


You see, without a strong strategy, tactics are useless. Tactics are effective, only when the strategical foundation is rock-solid.

All of these questions will be answered in due time. 

For now, I want to just mention a quote that I have been thinking about – Start where you are.

It is quite easy to get carried away and get overwhelmed by the whole science of email marketing. The whole thing is so complex, that it is easy for the imposter syndrome to kick in.


Maybe, I should study my audience more…

Maybe, I need to do a course in email marketing…

Maybe, I need to implement Email marketing for my clients, before I start talking about it…


All of this is imposter syndrome. All of this is a way to hide.

So the first thing that I want to leave you with is this – You already have what it takes to serve an audience through email marketing. Start where you are.

This does not mean that you don’t get work at getting better at your craft. This does not mean that you have mastered the art completely, and now you choose to stop all the learning. 

The process of learning, getting better at your craft, and understanding your audience is unending. But that does not mean that you don’t get to start. 

You can always teach someone who is behind you. 

So yes, you don’t need to learn any new skills. Just start.

Initially, I said that we cant jump into tactics. We need a strategy first. Now, I am saying, “start where you are.” Are these statements contradictory? Has Pranav finally lost his mind?

Not quite.

Things will get clearer with time.

For now, all I want to say is, “Be present. Start where you are.”

Intro music credits: Dan O songs.

Almost all the Creators that I know, would benefit from using Email marketing as their core tool for their Marketing. When they decide to see through the facade of Social media marketing and other Marketing distractions, they realize the power of email marketing.

Email is perhaps the best tool for you to build the trust of the audience that you seek to serve.

That being said, getting started with email marketing can be confusing. There are just too many variables.


What is the audience that I want to send the emails to?

What should I talk about in my emails

How frequently should I send emails?


And so on.

So how then do we start with building an email list exactly?

As I started to work on the answer to this question and make a podcast episode out of it, I realized that this question is so broad that I could think of 4 to 5 ways of answering it. And hence, I decided to make this a multi-episode series.

Let’s look at the question again, “How do you start building your email list?”

What are the fundamentals that need to be answered before getting into this question? Many come to mind.


Why are we building an email list? 

What is the purpose? 

What are the ideal characteristics of an email list?


You see, without a strong strategy, tactics are useless. Tactics are effective, only when the strategical foundation is rock-solid.

All of these questions will be answered in due time. 

For now, I want to just mention a quote that I have been thinking about – Start where you are.

It is quite easy to get carried away and get overwhelmed by the whole science of email marketing. The whole thing is so complex, that it is easy for the imposter syndrome to kick in.


Maybe, I should study my audience more…

Maybe, I need to do a course in email marketing…

Maybe, I need to implement Email marketing for my clients, before I start talking about it…


All of this is imposter syndrome. All of this is a way to hide.

So the first thing that I want to leave you with is this – You already have what it takes to serve an audience through email marketing. Start where you are.

This does not mean that you don’t get work at getting better at your craft. This does not mean that you have mastered the art completely, and now you choose to stop all the learning. 

The process of learning, getting better at your craft, and understanding your audience is unending. But that does not mean that you don’t get to start. 

You can always teach someone who is behind you. 

So yes, you don’t need to learn any new skills. Just start.

Initially, I said that we cant jump into tactics. We need a strategy first. Now, I am saying, “start where you are.” Are these statements contradictory? Has Pranav finally lost his mind?

Not quite.

Things will get clearer with time.

For now, all I want to say is, “Be present. Start where you are.”

Intro music credits: Dan O songs.