Imagine this beautiful scenario – A subscriber is intently staring at his inbox, eagerly waiting for your email.

Yeah, now stop imagining that. Because that doesn’t happen too often. 🙁


But, even though we know the rarity of this phenomenon, when we send emails, subconsciously we assume that the reader really, really cares about what we have to say.

The honest truth is that the reader doesn’t care about you. The reader cares about himself. 

And the reader especially doesn’t care about your product features and the updates to these features. 

And so dear Saas company, your job is to make him care.

And how do you do that?

By making him a part of your product update.

And how do you make him a part of your product update?

By obsessively focusing on how the reader’s life is going to change because of this product update. 

Don’t focus on features.

Don’t even focus on benefits.

Focus on how the reader’s life will change after he engages with you.

Feature – We added a new feature that allows you to select multiple options at the same time.

Benefit – This feature will save you time.

Life change – Now you will spend less time on accounting, and more time with your wife and kids.

Imagine this beautiful scenario – A subscriber is intently staring at his inbox, eagerly waiting for your email.

Yeah, now stop imagining that. Because that doesn’t happen too often. 🙁


But, even though we know the rarity of this phenomenon, when we send emails, subconsciously we assume that the reader really, really cares about what we have to say.

The honest truth is that the reader doesn’t care about you. The reader cares about himself. 

And the reader especially doesn’t care about your product features and the updates to these features. 

And so dear Saas company, your job is to make him care.

And how do you do that?

By making him a part of your product update.

And how do you make him a part of your product update?

By obsessively focusing on how the reader’s life is going to change because of this product update. 

Don’t focus on features.

Don’t even focus on benefits.

Focus on how the reader’s life will change after he engages with you.

Feature – We added a new feature that allows you to select multiple options at the same time.

Benefit – This feature will save you time.

Life change – Now you will spend less time on accounting, and more time with your wife and kids.

Intro music credits: Dan O songs.